
introducing usopp

He is a liar, and he is a sniper of straw hat pirates. I think he is not strong at first. But, his heart is really strong, and he become strong.

He want to be a brave fighter of sea. He said it many times. He want to be a brave fighter of sea, because his father is it, maybe. His father is pirate too. 

His father went to sea when he was child. A day, his mother got sick. He wanted to make her smile then, so he made a lie everyday, Father's pirates come back ! He look after her hard everyday, but his mother died. After his mother died, he still made a lie, Father's pirates back ! So, he is called lier by everyone.

His sniper skill is very good. He is good at sniper well. He use a slingshots to have fight. He has many kind of slingshot's bullets. Fire bullet burn the enemy. Tabasco bullet make the enemy's mouth get crazy. I know only two, but he has more.
He is kind. He is a chicken, usually, but he is a brave man. He can do big thing when he see a impossible scene. He is cool.




I get class now. I bought a PC, so I can do home work in my house, but I can not find a thing to write a diary. Recently, I do, go to Pachinko, go to part time job, and go to school. I live bored days.

Recently, here is hot. Here's summer is so very too hot. I get irritated every summer. I do not want to get irritated, so I was cut my hair by cutter←?

I find a thing ! I change my hair's color. My friend let me it. I do not want to change it. It is no reason. My friend said me it many times, so I changed my hair color. I have hair color first by own.
I did mistake. Next time, I want to do it perfectly.


my favorite movies

I will write about my favorite movies. My favorite movie is home alone. I saw it when I was child. I wanted to make some trap like a home alone's trap. I and my brother made a trap, and my mother got it. The Doraemon watch attacked my mother's head from so high. We got her angry. Home alone was interesting for me when I was a child. I have saw it many times. I did not get bored. I want to see it even now. It is interesting for me even now. Recently, I do not see it.


foreign countries

I will write about foreign countries. My favorite foreign country is America. I like American music. I want to go to there some day. I think America's all thing is bigger than Japan. I want to see it. I do not know about America, but my favorite foreign country is America. I know about England a little< because one of my teacher is England person. He teach me about England. I want to go to England too. There has a so long history, my teacher said. If we do to there, we can see old building. I want to see them. I get England history class now. I can study about England more.


my other classes

I will write about my other classes. I have got only 8 classes, so I must go to all classes this spring. I should do my best. This time, I go all classes so so. I get classes, writing, speaking, listening, christ, American history, Ingland history. I am not good at English well. I can not understand English even now. I want to understand English perfectly, so I should go all classes honestly.
